White Horse Plains Planning District

  • The White Horse Plains Planning District members consists of 2 appointed members from each of the RM of Cartier and the RM of St. Francois Xavier;
  • The Planning District is involved and responsible for establishing the joint Development Plan that dictates the future development and land use within each member municipality.
  • Zoning By-Law Amendments, Variance and Conditional use applications are processed through the appropriate municipal office.

For further information regarding the White Horse Plains Planning District, meeting dates and times and delegation requests, please contact Rose Anderson-Riedle, WHPPD Secretary-Treasurer at (204) 353-2214 or rose.andersonriedle@rmofcartier.ca.

The Board meets on a monthly and/or an as needed basis regarding applications, comments and public hearings.

White Horse Plains Planning District Development Plan 1-2016

Development Plan 1-2016 Maps

Development Plan Amendment 1-2019 - 3rd Reading

WHPPD Procedural By-Law 1-2023

WHPPD - Planning Guidelines